Year: 2022

45596 LMS 5XP ‘Jubilee’ Class ‘Bahamas’

45596 LMS 5XP ‘Jubilee’ Class ‘Bahamas’

A pioneering engine in the last days of steam on BR As steam was drawing to a close, British Railways made one last attempt to improve its steam fleet. In 1961 ‘Bahamas’ was chosen by BR for its very last experiment, the culmination of steam power development which started with ‘Rocket’ in the 19th century…

41241 LMS Ivatt Class 2MT 2-6-2T

41241 LMS Ivatt Class 2MT 2-6-2T

Star of the opening day, June 1968 Purchased by two pioneering members of the KWVR directly from British Railways 41241, it arrived on the Worth Valley where it was painted maroon and, along with USA Tank No. 30072, double-headed the railways “Re-opening Special”  On Sunday, 29th June 2018, resplendent in the stunning Crimson Lake livery…

75078 BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0

75078 BR Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0

From Barry to Keighley, our second engine rescue Rescued by the Standard Four Locomotive Society, the 21st departure from Barry, 75078 arrived on the KWVR in June 1972. The restoration was completed in 1977 and operates today after successive overhauls, the last completed in October 2022. In British Railways service After the nationalisation of Britain’s…

1054 LNWR 0-6-2T ‘Coal Tank’

1054 LNWR 0-6-2T ‘Coal Tank’

A real survivor, saved by WW2 Built in 1888, reprieved from the scrap man by WW2 in 1939, 1054 eventually served the national network for 70 years before passing into preservation after being sent for scrap for the second time. The Coal Tank is born During the late 19th century, the Chief Mechanical Engineer of…

45212 LMS Class 5MT ‘Black 5’ 4-6-0

45212 LMS Class 5MT ‘Black 5’ 4-6-0

An engine from the last days of steam on BR Running from Preston to Blackpool, 45212 has the distinction of heading the final steam-hauled revenue-earning service for British Railways on 4th August 1968 before entering preservation directly from British Railways. From 1935 to 1968, 33 years of national service This engine class was designed by…

Oakworth Tea-Hut
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Oakworth Tea-Hut

You may have noticed that there has been a hustle and bustle in Oakworth Goods Yard again after all these years, with a new Midland Railway-type hut appearing at the far side of the yard.

52044 L&Y Class 25 0-6-0

52044 L&Y Class 25 0-6-0

The Railway’s ‘Green Dragon’ As 52044 this engine became subject to one of the earliest private locomotive purchase schemes established in the country and was one of the earliest arrivals on the nascent KWVR A 72-year career on the national network Designed by W Barton Wright as the standard goods locomotive for the Lancashire and…

British Railways Mark 1 Corridor Coaches

British Railways Mark 1 Corridor Coaches

The standard design in post-War Britain These standard British Railways coaches were developed when the railways were nationalised in 1948. Coaches were needed to replace those ravaged by the effects of war and had either been damaged beyond repair or received little attention during hostilities. In addition, the coaches of the individual companies had been…

British Railways Mark 1 Coaches

British Railways Mark 1 Coaches

The standard design in post-War Britain These standard British Railways coaches were developed when the railways were nationalised in 1948. Coaches were needed to replace those ravaged by the effects of war and had either been damaged beyond repair or received little attention during hostilities. In addition, the coaches of the individual companies had been…

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