From Ohio to Keighley via Poland

Purchased by the KWVR from Polish State Railways in 1977, 5820 was a welcome addition to the fleet when trains on the branch were getting heavier and more powerful locomotives were needed.

History of the S160 Class

With Americaโ€™s entry to World War II, the United States of America Transportation Corp. needed an existing design to create a locomotive of sufficient power to use on the disrupted railways of Europe to haul military hardware and goods as the army progressed across the continent. From this brief came the S160

ย Built-in America and shipped to the UK and mainland Europe, the S160 design principles were for quick manufacture, minimal maintenance requirements and an anticipated short life span. Many of the technical features of this class of locomotive were to have a long-lasting effect on the future designs of British steam engines. Equipment like rocking grates, hopper ash-pans and the use of grease lubrication for the motion became widespread on British locos after the war.

As works no. 8758, no. 5820 was built by Lima of Ohio in 1945 for the US Army. It was then shipped directly from the United States to Poland for use in the liberation of Poland. The engine was taken into Polish State Railways stock and re-numbered TR203-474. In 1975 it received a replacement boiler from an Alco-built example of the same class. The boiler still carries the builderโ€™s plate today.

From Poland to Haworth

The engine remained in Poland, mostly at the steam shed of Katowice in Silesia, until it was withdrawn for preservation with the Polish Railway Museum in Warsaw. In the late 1970s, a member of the Diplomatic Corps approached the engine and made it available for purchase and use on the Worth Valley.

Purchased by the KWVR from Polish State Railways in 1977, 5820 was a welcome addition to the fleet at a time when trains on the branch were getting heavier and more powerful locomotives were needed.

After much negotiation and perseverance (including a failed transportation attempt to the UK), the engine finally arrived at Haworth in November 1977. This was no mean feat, considering that Poland was, at the time, still behind the โ€œIron Curtainโ€ of communism. As TR203-474 and still carrying the Polish livery, the locomotive entered service on the Worth Valley in the following year.

In 1978, Keighley station and 5820 were chosen to feature in the film โ€˜Yanksโ€™. Several hundred of this class operated in the UK during the D-Day preparations in 1943 and 1944, including working through Keighley Station. So when no. 5820 was chosen to appear in the film being filmed on location in Keighley, it was, therefore, an appropriate choice and with a filming assignment imminent was re-liveried to USATC grey as USATC no. 5820.

Following withdrawal at the expiration of its boiler certificate, the engine was put aside until a lengthy restoration was undertaken. The engine returned to service in February 2014, temporarily painted in British Railways unlined black, fictitiously numbered 95820. Although this fictitious livery received much acclaim amongst enthusiasts, 5820 regained its number and authentic USATC grey livery for the 2014 Easter holiday.

Today, 5820 is again out of service, awaiting its turn in the queue. This time, it is reported that only boiler work is required as the running gear is still in good condition after the last major overhaul.

Built:1945 Ohio, U.S.A
Boiler Pressure:225 psi
Tractive Effort:31,500 lbf
Weight:73 tons engine; 51 tons tender
Valve GearWalschaerts
Cylinders:19โ€ณ x 26โ€ณ Outside
Numbers carried during working career:USATC 5820, Polish State Railways 203-474