Celebrating volunteers preserving the past for future generations
Volunteer Ben Raine shares his end-of-year college project, celebrating and sharing the importance of preserving our heritage.
Back Int’ Day

My name is Ben Raine.
This collection of images is from my final photography project for college. The photos are cinematic, documenting my local heritage railway in West Yorkshire, The Keighley & Worth Valley Railway. I photographed the railway for my project because I wanted to document the importance of preserving our heritage and keeping this fantastic historic line running. Some of these images show just a few dedicated volunteers at the railway. I wanted to document some of the volunteers as they play a significant part in helping keep this historic 5-mile branch line running and who are also helping to preserve the past for future generations to enjoy.
I started as a volunteer in the YPG (Young Persons Group) in December 2018 at the age of 14, working on the stations, and up until now, I still love working on the railway, doing my part to help out where I can. I would highly recommend becoming a volunteer as at the railway; you get to meet lots of interesting people/volunteers and learn various valuable skills. The railway has departments suited to everyone, such as footplate, catering, station work and maintenance. There is something for everyone, with plenty of opportunities to get involved. By joining the railway, you will become a part of this incredible community, helping preserve our heritage and ensuring that this line continues running for future generations.
“Volunteers look on as BR Standard 2 78022 arrives into Oakworth station hauling a weekend passenger service”
I really like this shot because of the perspective I have photographed the steam engine arriving into the platform with the steam out of the chimney as I feel this adds more atmosphere to the image. And when people see a steam engine it is all about the steam!
I also like how I have been able to include the volunteers on the platform, the old station building, the goods shed and also some of the heritage items such as the posters, milk churns and the old gas lamps in the image as well.
I captured this shot as it shows some of the many volunteers on the KWVR who help keep the line running and felt it was very important to document why volunteers play a fundamental part in preserving our heritage and being able to keep our heritage railways running for the future generations to see.
“125 year old steam loco Taff Vale 85 departs from Haworth Yard ready to start the busy ahead”
I like this shot of the steam engine departing from Haworth Yard because it helps to visually communicate why it is important to volunteer to help preserve our heritage railways and ensure they keep on running for future generations to see what rail travel was like many years ago.
“Volunteer Haworth Foreman Cameron on duty as Standard 2 78022 arrives into the station hauling a weekend passenger service”
I really like this shot because of how Cameron (the foreman) is posed with his hands behind his back and also his amazing railway uniform which fits in perfectly with the heritage feel of the KWVR.
What I also like about this shot is the perspective with him in the foreground and the steam engine arriving into the station passing behind him. This I feel helps to further convey a sense of ‘heritage’ and adds a timeless feel to the image.
I captured this shot as he is one of the many volunteers on the KWVR who help keep the line running and felt it important to document why volunteers are so important in helping to preserve and keep our heritage railways running for the future generations.
”Damems signalman volunteer Will looks on as BR Standard 2 arrives into Damems Loop hauling a weekend passenger service”
I really like this shot because of how Will (the signalman) is looking out of the window towards the train as it is approaching Damems Loop. In addition, I also like how in the shot I have included the old signal box equipment such as the lever frame, track diagram and block instruments.
I captured this shot as he is one of the many volunteers on the KWVR who help keep the line running and felt it was very important to document why volunteers are very important in preserving our heritage railways and keeping them running for future generations to see.
“BR Standard 2 departs Haworth Yard in a cloud of steam as it sets off towards Oxenhope to begin the busy day ahead”
I like this shot because of the steam coming out the cylinder cocks which helps to add more atmosphere to the image and a steam engine is all about steam!
What I also like about this image is some of the other locos in the yard and also the old wheel sets. In addition to this, I also like the old historical buildings in the background which helps to add an old timeless feel to the image and makes it seem as if it was taken many years ago during the steam days of BR.
I captured this shot as it helps to effectively communicate why it is important to volunteer to help preserve our heritage railways and keep them running for future generations to see.
”125 year old steam engine Taff Vale 85 erupts from Mytholmes tunnel on its way to Haworth station hauling a busy weekend passenger service”
I like this shot because of how I have captured the steam engine coming out of the tunnel with some of the steam still left inside the tunnel. What I also like is how I have also been able to photograph other elements such as the railway track and train carriage.
I captured this shot as it helps to effectively visually communicate why it is important to volunteer to help preserve our heritage railways for future generations to see.