From the Welsh Valleys to the Worth Valley

Having originally been built for the Taff Vale Railway, 85 was sold by the Great Western Railway into colliery service in the North East before entering preservation following purchase by the KWVR in 1970.

28 years’ service in Wales

No. 85 was built by Neilson Reid for the Taff Vale Railway, which connected the Cardiff docks with the coal mining industry in the many valleys a few miles to the north. This engine was ideal motive power for a company with short and steeply graded lines (not dissimilar to the Worth Valley). Designated Class O2, No.85 was the first of the class to be built

The Taff Vale Railway was taken over by the GWR in 1922 and 85 was renumbered to 426 in the GWR fleet. As the GWR had a policy of standardisation, the engine soon became surplus to requirements with the use of Swindon designs preventing many still useful machines having a long-term future. Although some engines were rebuilt with GWR standard boilers and fittings, none of the Class 02 tanks were so treated. In 1927 the engine was withdrawn by the GWR and offered for sale, although it was not until 1929 that a buyer came forward

 Service in the Durham Coalfields

In April 1929, along with 2 of its classmates, the engine was sold to the Lambton, Hetton & Joicey Colliery Co. in County Durham, moving to that railways Philadelphia depot at Houghton-le-Spring. The three ex Taff Vale locomotives joined the ranks of their 0-6-2 tank engines for work on long-haul coal trains between the inland collieries and the coast. Now numbered 52, it worked alongside No’s 5 and 29, (lifetime residents of that system) now both on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

Following the nationalisation of the coal industry to the NCB in 1947, No. 52 remained in service at Philadelphia depot. It was there until 1968 when, along with its shed-mates it was displaced by diesel power and put up for sale again

From toil in the coalfields to the rolling hills of West Yorkshire

Initially the engine was bought for preservation by the Midland & Great Northern Railway Preservation Society, who then re-sold the engine to the KWVR before having had the chance to remove it from the Philadelphia depot. The loco finally arriving on the Worth Valley Railway in the December of 1970

During its service at the Lambton, Hetton & Joicey Colliery it received modifications to its cab and bunker to allow it to fit the restricted loading gauge of the colliery lines. It was re-built to its original outline by a group of Worth Valley volunteers in the 1990’s. Having waited 30 years since being saved, No. 52 entered service in 2000 restored to its original Taff Vale outline and gained its original number, 85. During this period No. 85 carried a plain black livery and ran in this condition on a regular basis until 2009 when its boiler ticket expired 

Due to its usefulness, popularity and good condition, it received a further overhaul which was completed in February 2016 in time for that year’s Winter Steam Gala. Thanks to a bequest from a volunteer at Haworth this time No. 85 received a full lining out, completing its transformation back to its original Taff Vale livery

Since re-entering service, the engine remains part of the railway’s operational fleet. During the summer months it is paired with the Railway’s fleet of vintage coaches to portray rail travel from times gone by

2026 will again see the expiry of its boiler certificate and so the cycle of store, inspect and overhaul will begin again.

Built:1899 Glasgow
Boiler Pressure:160 psi
Tractive Effort:19,870 lbf
Weight:61.5 tons
Valve GearStephenson Link Motion
Cylinders:17½” x 26″ Inside
Numbers carried during working career:Taff Vale Railway 85, GWR 426, NCB 52